Summary:Ms CRM Spring 2014 Leo New features
The Microsoft is one of the leading
product based company and it is having so many Products like Windows Operating
System,Visual Studio,Dynamic CRM.Now Iam going to Explain the Dynamics CRM 2014
Spring Release is now slowly being released across various geo for CRM Online.
Leo updates are optional, i.e. after
your CRM program and db has been upgraded to version 6.1.x you are now on the
latest CRM release.
To take advantage of the new features,
you need to manually install the updates from Settings –> Administration
You can see above highlighted Social Listening Configuration options now available. However, you need to
subscribe to Microsoft Social Listening to be able to integrate your CRM with
Social Listening.
Service Management module:
Iam focusing the improvements
and new features introduced in the Service Management module.
Once the updates have been installed the
Service Management now has its own Area in Settings.
Once you click on the "Service Management" it will display the list of Options and those Options are new Features in Ms CRM Spring can in the below figure.
The idea is clearly to move towards
Service Automation. So how would this work?
Well, to begin with, setup a Queue for
receiving emails into CRM. In this version, Queues have been enhanced to now
support Public and Private Queues. Public queues are visible to all. Something
that was earlier available. And now there are private queues that are different
from personal queues. You can associate members with Private Queue and all the
members can access the items of that Queue.
Next, configure Server-side sync to
enable emails to route to CRM automatically without the need for any manual tracking
of emails.
You now have all mails in CRM. Using
Automatic Case Creation Rules option, configure the conditions under which an
incoming mail should automatically be converted to a Case. It has a detailed UI
similar to the advance find filtering screen.
You can have multiple rules configured
for case creation. The first rule that is satisfied by an email would be used
to create the email.
Now that the Case has been created for
the email, you can go ahead and configure where the case should be routed to
automatically. Do this using the new Routing Rule Sets.
Similar to the Case Creation Rules,
define the conditions for routing.
You can setup multiple routing rule
items. The first condition that a case satisfies will be used.
Note: You can only have one Rule Set
active at a time though.
The end-to-end Email to Case process has
been automated without requiring any mail intervention.
Have you ever been in a situation where
you receive multiple emails for the same issue and you would rather track them
as a single Case or perhaps create a Parent case and associate all others as
child cases to that one Case. Well, your wish has been granted in this version
you can Create Parent – Child relationships for Case and also merge Cases.
To set the properties that should be
inherited by the child case when creating a new Child case, use the
Parent-Child Case Settings option. This option is the relationship mappings
that we do as developers when configuring 1:N relationship. The below screen is
a user friendly screen that allows users to configure the settings without
having to customize the entity.
Besides the Mapping, it also allows you
to define the Close behaviour for Parent & Child Cases.
The Merge option that was until now only
available for selected entities like Account, Contact has now been extended to
Cases. You can now merge cases and define the Case that becomes the parent.
And do you notice the fancy icons against
the cases, well these represent the Case Origin. So yes you can now have Cases
created in CRM from social channels as well.
Next, this version introduces the
concept of SLA. Organizations can define their SLA and monitor the performance
on the SLA.
You define SLA using the Service Level
OOB they have provided First Response By
and Resolve By indicators of SLA but you can go ahead and extend it to other
custom fields you wish to monitor as well.
The SLA Item configuration screen
The Related Case field – select the
field of which the SLA needs to be based off. This SLA Item Configuration
defines the terms for the First Response By time for a Case.
Define the conditions under which this
SLA Item is applicable to Cases.
The condition to determine if the SLA
has been met.
The Failure time defines your SLA for
First Response by.
The SLA uses the workflow architecture
and you can define the actions in case of failure of the SLA or to warn in case
the Case is approaching an SLA failure.
You can set a default SLA for the entire
organization or an associate SLA through Entitlements to each individual Case.
And yes, now let us look at
Entitlements. What is Entitlements? Well it is the same concept of Contracts
less the deficiencies of Contract that made it unusable in the past.
It supports Allocation Types of Cases
and Hours. You have the entitlement validity dates within which the
entitlements are applicable.
You can now also define Entitlement
Channels. The Entitlement Channel lets you set up the max counts per channel.
This means the various channels through which Case can be registered. In this
above case only Email & Phone is supported.
The moment you create a Case and set the
origin to either of these, the entitlement count would reduce.
This now makes managing Entitlements way
simpler than the Contracts.
For More Tutorials Click Here
Nice article. Something good in terms of Service module by Microsoft