Ms CRM 2013 ISV.Config Customizations online free Tutorials download.

Summary:Ms CRM 2011 ISV.Config Customizations online free Tutorials download.


    ISV.Config is an XML structure that is part of the customizations.xml file that is included on every solution. In earlier versions of Dynamics CRM, it was used to add custom menu items and controls to the toolbars. However, in this new version of Dynamics CRM 2011, that functionality has been moved to the Ribbon as we will see later in this chapter. The only functionality of the ISV.Config is to provide appearance and behavior of the Service Calendar.

To be able to work with the ISV.Config XML, you need to explicitly specify it when importing the solution by selecting the ISV.Config option, as shown in below Figure .

Noticed that because the ISV.Config is considered a system setting, any customization
made here won’t be removed when removing the solution.
The following code illustrates the ISV.Config main nodes structure:
<configuration version=”3.0.0000.0”>
<Root />
<TimeBlock EntityType=”4214” StatusCode=”1”
CssClass=”ganttBlockServiceActivityStatus1” />
<TimeBlock EntityType=”4214” StatusCode=”2”
CssClass=”ganttBlockServiceActivityStatus2” />
<TimeBlock EntityType=”4214” StatusCode=”3”
CssClass=”ganttBlockServiceActivityStatus3” />
<TimeBlock EntityType=”4214” StatusCode=”4”
CssClass=”ganttBlockServiceActivityStatus4” />
<TimeBlock EntityType=”4214” StatusCode=”6”
CssClass=”ganttBlockServiceActivityStatus6” />
<TimeBlock EntityType=”4214” StatusCode=”7”
CssClass=”ganttBlockServiceActivityStatus7” />
<TimeBlock EntityType=”4214” StatusCode=”8”
CssClass=”ganttBlockServiceActivityStatus8” />
<TimeBlock EntityType=”4214” StatusCode=”9”
CssClass=”ganttBlockServiceActivityStatus9” />
<TimeBlock EntityType=”4214” StatusCode=”10”
CssClass=”ganttBlockServiceActivityStatus10” />
<TimeBlock EntityType=”4201” StatusCode=”1”
CssClass=”ganttBlockAppointmentStatus1” />
<TimeBlock EntityType=”4201” StatusCode=”2”
CssClass=”ganttBlockAppointmentStatus2” />
<TimeBlock EntityType=”4201” StatusCode=”3”
CssClass=”ganttBlockAppointmentStatus3” />
<TimeBlock EntityType=”4201” StatusCode=”4”
CssClass=”ganttBlockAppointmentStatus4” />
<TimeBlock EntityType=”4201” StatusCode=”5”
CssClass=”ganttBlockAppointmentStatus5” />
<TimeBlock EntityType=”4201” StatusCode=”6”
CssClass=”ganttBlockAppointmentStatus6” />

ServiceManagement Node
This element customizes the Service Calendar. The ServiceManagement node contains only a child node with the name of AppointmentBook. The AppointmentBook node can have one of these nodes:
. SmoothScrollLimit—This option sets the maximum number of blocks to be displayed by a service activity before auto scrolling the appointment when it is selected or displayed.
. ValidationChunkSize—This option is used to configure the number of activities to be validated simultaneously by the server. The validation occurs in cases where more than one activity requires the same resource or materials.
. TimeBlocks
.  “Working with Service,” for more information about the ServiceManagement node.

With each TimeBlock element, you can apply a different style to each status code of a
service activity.
See this example:
<!— All CSS Class mapping for Service activities —>
<TimeBlock EntityType=”4214” StatusCode=”1”
[ccc]CssClass=”ganttBlockServiceActivityStatus1” />
The EntityType attribute can be one of the following values:
4214—Service activity

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