Introducing Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 and DYN20 - Microsoft Dynamics CRM momentum,vision,and product roadmap

Microsoft announced that the next version of Microsoft Dynamics CRM  by its codename “Orion”, but would be called CRM 2013 .Few days back Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference (WPC2013)  provided a lot more information, including a live demo of the new CRM User Experience (no more pop-ups, touch enabled for mobile & tablet browsers), as well as details about changes to licensing and pricing. If you weren’t able to attend the conference, you can still participate by watching the recorded session.
DYN20 - Microsoft Dynamics CRM momentum, vision, and product roadmap - 
Just sign in with your Microsoft ID (formally known as Windows Live ID), and if you want to cut straight to the demo, then this starts at 35min 50sec.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 User Experience


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