Field Service WorkOrder Life Cycle in Dynamics 365 CRM

WorkOrder Life Cycle in Dynamics 365 CRM:

A work order in dynamics 365 for field service has data on what work has to be done.
It's used to coordinate and schedule resources and activities.

It will be used for various styles of work, like installations, repairs, or preventive maintenance.

A work order is typically created from a case or opportunity. It is then scheduled  either manually or using the schedule assistant and then dispatched. Once the work is complete, it's reviewed and approved by a manager.

Work order creation:  A work order is created, usually from a case or opportunity
schedule: the work order is then scheduled.
Dispatch: the work order is dispatched.
Service: the work order is performed and details are updated.
Review/approval: the work order is reviewed and approved by a supervisor.
Invoice and inventory adjustment: inventory adjustments are made and an invoice is generated for the corresponding account.

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