Implementing the Clickable Progress Bar in Web form in CrmPortals/PowerApps Portals

Summary : Implementing the Clickable Progress Bar in Web form in CrmPortals.

copy the following code and paste in the Javascript field in web page which is your webform associated


// JavaScript source code

$(document).ready(function () {

function applicationNavigationForm() {
    var i = 1;
    $("#WebFormControl_ProgressIndicator ol.progress li").each(function () {
        var content = this.innerHTML
        if (!$(this).hasClass('active')) {
            var link = $('<a>').attr({
                href: '#',
                title: content,
                onclick: 'someFunction(this)',
                id: i

            this.innerHTML = "";
        else if ($(this).hasClass('active')) {
            var link = $('<div>').attr({
                title: content,
                id: i
            this.innerHTML = "";
            localStorage.setItem("CurrentStage", i);
            $("#WebFormControl_ProgressIndicator ol.progress li a").removeAttr("href");
            $("#WebFormControl_ProgressIndicator ol.progress li a").unbind("click");
        var stepName = content;

        if (stepName != undefined) {
            stepName = stepName.replace('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></span>', '');


    if (localStorage.getItem("ClickedStage") != undefined && localStorage.getItem("CurrentStage") != undefined) {

        if (parseInt(localStorage.getItem("ClickedStage")) == parseInt(localStorage.getItem("CurrentStage"))) {
            localStorage.setItem("ClickedStage", null);
            localStorage.setItem("CurrentStage", null);
        else if (parseInt(localStorage.getItem("ClickedStage")) < parseInt(localStorage.getItem("CurrentStage"))) {
        else if (parseInt(localStorage.getItem("ClickedStage")) > parseInt(localStorage.getItem("CurrentStage"))) {


function someFunction(obj) {

    localStorage.setItem("ClickedStage", $(obj).attr('id'));
    localStorage.setItem("CurrentStage", $("#WebFormControl_ProgressIndicator ol.progress li div").attr('id'));
    var nextButton = $('#NextButton');
    if ($("#NextButton").is(":disabled")) {
    else if ($(obj).parent().hasClass('text-muted list-group-item-success')) {
    else if ($(obj).parent().hasClass('incomplete')) {;


How to Validate Text fields allow only Numbers Dynamics 365 Portals.

Summary: How to Validate Text fields allow only Numbers Dynamics 365 Portals.

keyup(function(event) {
if (
event.keyCode == 46 || event.keyCode == 8 ) {
// let it happen, don't do anything
} else if (/\D/
g.test(this.value)) {
// Filter non-digits from input value.
this.value = this.value.replace(/\D/g, '');
alert("Enter only Numbers");


How to Develop Sticky Footer in Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM Portals.

Summary : How to make the Sticky Footer in Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM Portals.

1. Navigate to Portals Tab---> Webtemplates

2. Open the Footer webtemplate and search for the following line of code

<footer role="contentinfo">

3. Replace the above line with following code.

<footer role="contentinfo" style="position:fixed;left:0;bottom:0;width:100%;">

How to Disable / Enable the Fields, Buttons and DateTime Fields with Common Code. In Dynamics 365 CRM Portals.

Summary : How to Disable / Enable the Fields, Buttons and DateTime Fields In Dynamics 365 CRM Portals.

Common Code:

function TextFieldsdisableEnable(fields, flag) {
    if (fields !== "") {
        var fieldschema = fields.split(",");
        for (var item = 0; item < fieldschema.length; item++) {
            if (fieldschema !== "" && $("#" + fieldschema[item]) !== null) {
                $("#" + fieldschema[item]).prop('disabled', flag);

function DatetimeFieldsdisableEnable(fields, flag) {
    if (fields !== "") {
        var fieldschema = fields.split(",");
        for (var item = 0; item < fieldschema.length; item++) {
            if (fieldschema !== "" && $("#" + fieldschema[item]) !== null) {
                if (flag) {
                    var dateField = $("#" + fieldschema[item]);
                    // Get ‘Text’ field of Date Control
                    var displayField = dateField.nextAll(".datetimepicker").children("input");
                    // Get ‘Calendar’ Icon of Date Control
                    var dateIcon = dateField.nextAll(".datetimepicker").children("span");
                    // Make ‘Text’ field of Date Control Read-Only
                    displayField.attr("readonly", "readonly");
                    // Hide ‘Calendar’ Icon
                    dateIcon.css("display", "none");
                else {
                    var dateField = $("#" + fieldschema[item]);
                    // Get ‘Text’ field of Date Control
                    var displayField = dateField.nextAll(".datetimepicker").children("input");
                    // Get ‘Calendar’ Icon of Date Control
                    var dateIcon = dateField.nextAll(".datetimepicker").children("span");
                    // Make ‘Text’ field of Date Control Read-Only
                    //displayField.attr("enabled", "enabled");
                    // Hide ‘Calendar’ Icon
                    dateIcon.css("display", "");

How to Use Example:

// the first parameter is list of fields/button id's which you want to disable and second parameter pass true/false , true for disable and false for enable.

TextFieldsdisableEnable("portal_test,portal_tetsoptionset,edittBtn", true);

DatetimeFieldsdisableEnable("portal_testdate", true);

How to Create Custom Button in CRM Portals EntityForm or WebForm

Summary :  How to Create Custom Button in CRM Portals EntityForm or WebForm


$(document).ready(function () {
    var editbtn = $('<input/>').attr({ type: 'button', name: 'Edit', value: 'Edit', id: 'edittBtn', class: 'submit-btn btn btn-primary' });

// InsertButton is for the  Create Form, if you want for update form use the UpdateButton

    $("#edittBtn").click(function () {
       // Implement the button click logic.

How to auto populate the Customer/Account field from current login user's customer in Dynamics 365 Portals

Summary : How to auto populate the Customer/Account field from current login user's customer in Dynamics 365 Portals

Open your EntityForm or WebForm Step and place the following code on advanced JavaScript field.


$(document).ready(function () {

    {% if user %}
    {% endif %}

In the above code replace customerid field with your field schema name and {{}} replace with you field name of user entity.
ex: {{}}

Enabling Maintenance Mode – CRM Portals

Summary :  Enabling Maintenance Mode – CRM Portals

When our website is scheduled for maintenance or is down due to temporary outage.

When a customer accesses the website during maintenance, unpredictable behavior and intermittent unavailability might be experienced.

As a portal administrator, we can configure our portal to display a proper message to customers whenever a maintenance activity is going on.


1. Solution packages are being upgraded

2. Deployments and upgrades

Field Service WorkOrder Life Cycle in Dynamics 365 CRM

WorkOrder Life Cycle in Dynamics 365 CRM:

A work order in dynamics 365 for field service has data on what work has to be done.
It's used to coordinate and schedule resources and activities.

It will be used for various styles of work, like installations, repairs, or preventive maintenance.

A work order is typically created from a case or opportunity. It is then scheduled  either manually or using the schedule assistant and then dispatched. Once the work is complete, it's reviewed and approved by a manager.

Work order creation:  A work order is created, usually from a case or opportunity
schedule: the work order is then scheduled.
Dispatch: the work order is dispatched.
Service: the work order is performed and details are updated.
Review/approval: the work order is reviewed and approved by a supervisor.
Invoice and inventory adjustment: inventory adjustments are made and an invoice is generated for the corresponding account.

Video : 


Resco Mobile Dynamics 365 CRM APP Development Training

Subject : Resco Mobile Dynamics 365 CRM APP Development Training

Course Content:
  • Introduction to Resco Mobile CRM
  • Resco app 
  • Woodford 
  • Security 
  • Mobile Projects
  • RESCO CRM Sync 
  • Creating a Customization
  • Fields
  • Views
  • Rowscripts
  • Search columns
  • Charts 
  • Forms
  • Dashboards
  • Branding 
  • Entity hubs 
  • Process flows
  • Auditing in Resco 
  • Business Rules

Dynamics 365 CRM Plugins Code Sample for Practice

Summary : Dynamics 365 CRM Plugins Code Sample for Practice

All we have started code samples for plugins you can download from the following link.

If you need any implementation help or Support. get in touch with us.

Contact US:

Email :
Phone: +91 9493916112
Skype for Business:

Dynamics 365 CRM Integrations Training & Support

Summary : Dynamics 365 CRM Integrations Training & Support

In this course we teach you about the integrations and basics of azure, Data Migration.

High Level Topics will be covered:

1. Azure trail setup & resource groups, subscription.
2. Azure Logic Apps, App services.
3. Developing the custom WebApi and deploying.
4. Azure Functions, Service bus, Azure Blob storage.
5. Consuming Webapi’s in Plugins.
6. Setup azure sql server, VM’s.

How to Restrict the deleting a record in Dynamics 365 Plugin

Summary:  How to Restrict the deleting a record in Dynamics 365 Plugin

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
using System.ServiceModel;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query;

namespace Opportunity1
    public class OpportunityPreDelete : IPlugin
        public void Execute(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            // Obtain the execution context from the service provider.
            IPluginExecutionContext context = (IPluginExecutionContext)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IPluginExecutionContext));
            // Obtain the organization service reference.
            IOrganizationServiceFactory factory = (IOrganizationServiceFactory)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IOrganizationServiceFactory));
            IOrganizationService service = factory.CreateOrganizationService(context.UserId);
            if (context.InputParameters.Contains("Target") && (context.InputParameters["Target"] is EntityReference))
                if (context.MessageName == "Delete")
                    throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("opportunity deletion not allowed");



If you need any implementation help or Support. get in touch with us.

Contact US:

Email :
Phone: +91 9493916112
Skype for Business:

What is a Azure Logic Apps

Summary : Azure Logic Apps Introduction

Azure Logic Apps is a cloud service that allows you to automate business processes and tasks.
Logic Apps simplifies the design and development of scalable solutions for application integration, data integration, system integration, enterprise application integration (EAI) and business-to-business (B2B) communication, whether in the cloud, on site or on both sides.

Some scenarios we can automate the with logic apps:
·         Send Office 365 email notifications when events occur in different systems, apps and services. 
      Move uploaded files to Azure Storage from an SFTP or FTP server. 
      Monitor tweets for a particular topic, analyze feelings and create alerts or tasks for items that need to be reviewed.

Azure Logic Apps having a growing gallery with 200+ connectors, which include services such as Azure Service Bus, Functions, and Storage; SQL, Office 365, Dynamics, Salesforce, BizTalk, SAP, Oracle DB, file shares, and more. 

·         Managed connectors: logic apps need access to data, services, and systems. Use prebuilt Microsoft-managed connectors that are designed to connect, access, and work with your data.
·         Triggers: Connectors provide triggers that fire when events or new data meet specified conditions
·         Actions: Actions are all the steps that happen after the trigger. Each action usually maps to an operation that's defined by a managed connector, custom API, or custom connector.

If you need any implementation help or Support. get in touch with us.

Contact US:

Email :
Phone: +91 9493916112
Skype for Business:

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