Session 3 : Microsoft Button Flows Integration

What are button flows?
1.There are many repetitive tasks that we
all wish we could run with just a tap of a button.
2.Create buttons so that we can easily run
repetitive tasks from any place, at anytime via your mobile.
3.Executing buttons saves our time and,
since the tasks they perform are automated, there will be less errors than if
you manually did them.
Quick email to team.

Trigger the VSO Build.

Session 2: Automated MS Flows Integrations

What are the different types of Flows ?
Automated flows
Button flows
Scheduled flows
Business process
Connectors:  MS Flow need access to data, services, and
systems. we can use prebuilt connectors that are designed to connect, access,
and work with your data.
connectors provide triggers that fire when events or new data meet specified

Actions:   Actions
are all the steps that happen after the triggers
Creating automated flows in the following video:

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