Selenium Online Training Course Content & Online Trainings In Hyderabad,Chennai

Summary: Selenium Online Training Course Content

Selenium Online Training Course Content
• Introduction
• What is Automation Testing
• When it comes into the picture
• What are the uses of automation testing
• Introduction to Selenium
• What is Selenium
• Use of Selenium
• When Selenium can be useful in testing
• Features of Selenium
• Differences between Selenium and QTP
• Selenium Components
• Selenium IDE
• Selenium RC
• Selenium Grid
• Downloading Selenium IDE from Mozilla
• Recording the script
• Running the script
• How to save recorded script
• Object Identification
• Difference between test case and test suite
• Languages supported while recording
• Synchronization in Selenium IDE
• Testing vs. Selenium IDE
• When to use Selenium IDE
• How to run recorded script against other browsers
• Why companies are not using recording tools
• Creating the Environment for Selenium RC
• Creating generic scripts in Selenium
• Creating scripts by using functions
• Running the scripts in Eclipse
• Inheritance
• Browser commands with examples
• Interactive commands with examples
• Information commands with examples
• Validation commands with examples
• How to take data from Excel sheets
• Why to use Excel sheets
• How to take large amount of data from Excel sheets
• How to export data to Excel sheets
• Export large amount of data to an Excel sheet
• How to export results after completion of test
• execution
• How to use Eclipse
• Debugging the script
• Maintaining synchronization points
• How to handle popups and alert messages
• Developing reusable script for any project
• Automation Life Cycle
• Validations
• What is Validation
• What is the use of validation in automation testing
• When to use validations in real time
• How to use validations
• Framework
• What is a Framework
• Types of Frameworks
• What is modular framework
• What is data driven framework
• What is keyword driven framework
• What is hybrid framework
• Use of framework
• Explaining about your framework
• How to develop a framework
• Integration of the framework
• How to execute scripts from framework
• Core Java Fundamentals
• Java Programming Language Keywords
• Class and Object
• Data Types
• Array Declaration, Construction and Initialization
• Flow Control, Exceptions and Assertions
• Writing code using if and switch
• Writing code using loops
• Handling exceptions
• Working with the assertion mechanism
• Object Orientation, Overloading and Overriding, Constructors
• Benefits of Encapsulation
• Overridden and Overloaded Methods
• Using the java.lang.String Class
• Using the java.lang.Math Class
• Using Wrapper classes
• Using the equals() method with strings and
• wrappers and objects
• Inner Classes
• Method local inner classes
• Anonymous inner classes
• Static nested classes
• Defining, Instantiating and Starting Threads
• Preventing thread execution
• Synchronizing code
• Thread interaction
• JUnit Introduction
• Proving it works
• Starting from scratch
• Understanding unit testing frameworks
• Setting up JUnit
• Testing with JUnit
• Object Repository
• What is object repository
• How to use object repository in framework
• What is the use of maintaining object repository
• Types of creating object repository
• Additional Concepts
• How to use Xpath
• How to use DOM
• How to use key commands
• Result Analysis

SAP CRM Functional / Techinical Online Trainings by Gowtham Krishna in Hyderabad,Chennai,mumbai


  • Overview of the SAP CRM Functional Training

    • Introduction to SAP CRM
    • ASAP Methodology

    • Organizational Management
    • Territory Management
    • Business Partners
    • Products

    • Marketing Planning & Campaign Management
    • Marketing Calender
    • BP Segmentation ( Info Set, Attribute List, BW Query)
    • Mail Forms
    • ELM ( External List Management)
    • Campaign Excecution
    • Lead Management
    • Survey Management
    • Product Proposal

    • Opportunity Management
    • Business Activitiy / Tasks
    • Quotation Management
    • Sales Order Management /Contract Managemnt

    • Installed Base Management
    • Service Agreements
    • Service Contracts
    • Service Order Management
    • Complaints andReturns
    • In house repair
    • Warranty Claims

    • Solution Overview
    • Data Exchange with R/3 Part 1
    • Data Exchange with R/3 Part 2
    • Middleware Operations
    • WEB UI

    • Business Roles
    • Navigation Bar Profile

    • Layout Profile
    • PFCG Role

    • Partner determination Procedure
    • Text determination Procedure
    • Status Profile
    • Subject Profile
    • Org Data Determination
    • Incompletness Procedure
    • Action Profiles
    • Pricing
    • Transaction Processing
    • Item Category
    • Item Category Determination
    • Date Management

Text Determination Process in SAP CRM

Summary: Configuration of TDP in SAP CRM

Text Determination

There are three Elements to configuring Text in SAP CRM
  • Text Types
  • Text Determination Procedure
  • Access Sequences

1>Define Text Type

[Menupath: Spro > SAP Ref. IMG>  CRM > Basic Functions > Text Management > Define Text Objects and text types>Choose “Text objects and IDs > Click “Change Mode”  >doubleclick (CRM_ORDERH- (transaction header) > Create

Text Object: ZAN1
Description:  Customer Related Info
Editor Application: TX
Line Width: 040 132

2> Define Text Determination Procedure

[ Menupath: Spro > SAP Ref. IMG > CRM > Basic Functions > Text Management > Define Text Determination Procedure > Position: CRM_ORDERH > Select : CRM_ORDERH >  Double Click “Procedure” >  New Entries >

Text Det. Proc.: ZANIRBAN
Double Click: “Definition of Procedure” > New Entries >

Text Type: ZAN1
Sequence: 10
Enter> SAVE.]

3> Assign the Text Determination Procedure with the Transaction Type.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 & 2015 Interview Questions and Answers for Tcs,HCL,Accenture,Infosys

Summary: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 & 2015 Interview Questions and Answers

1.What are the new type of workflows introduced in MS CRM2013.
 Answer: a.Action.  b.Business Process workflow.

2.What is the Business Rules in Ms CRM?

3.Business Rules,JavaScript Method which one trigger the first?
Answer: javascript method is clientside program and syncronous and business rules are asynchronous process so javascrit execute first.

4.What is the realtime workflow ?

5.Realtime workflow trigger first or plugin will trigger first?
 Answer: By default plugin will trigger first.

6.How should is change execution order between synchronous workflow and Plugin?
 Answer: we have tool synchronous event order in ToolBox by using we can able to update Rank of workflow.

MSBI 2012 - SSIS,SSRS,SSAS Course Content and Online Trainings.

                                                   MSBI Course Content

        1. SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services)
        2. SSAS (SQL Server Analysis Services)
        3. SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services)

1.    Introduction:
a.    Import and Export Wizard
b.    SQL Server Data Tools
2.    Installation and Getting Started
a.    Moving Data with the Import and Export Wizard
b.    Installing SQL Server Integration Services
c.     Installing the Sample Databases
d.    Creating a Solution and Project
e.    Exploring SQL Server Data Tools
f.     Creating Your First Package
3.    Control Flow
a.    Using Precedence Constraints
b.    Manipulating Files with the File System Task
c.     Coding Custom Script Tasks
d.    Using the Execute SQL Task
e.    Using the Execute Process Task
f.     Using the Expression Task
g.    Using the Send Mail Task
h.    Using the FTP Task
i.      Creating a Data Flow
4.    Data Flow
a.    Extracting Data from Sources
b.    Loading Data to a Destination
c.     Changing Data Types with the Data Conversion Transform
d.    Creating and Replacing Columns with the Derived Column Transform
e.    Rolling Up Data with the Aggregate Transform
f.     Ordering Data with the Sort Transform
g.    Joining Data with the Lookup Transform
h.    Auditing Data with the Row Count Transform
i.      Combining Multiple Inputs with the Union All Transform
j.     Cleansing Data with the Script Component
k.    Separating Data with the Conditional Split Transform
l.     Altering Rows with the OLE DB Command Transform
m.   Handling Bad Data with the Fuzzy Lookup
n.    Removing Duplicates with the Fuzzy Grouping Transform
5.    Configuring Packages
a.    Easing Deployment with Configuration Tables
b.    Easing Deployment with Configuration Files
c.     Configuring Child Packages
6.    Troubleshooting SSIS
a.    Logging Package Data
b.    Using Event Handlers
c.     Troubleshooting Errors
d.    Using Data Viewers
e.    Using Breakpoint
7.    Introduction
a.    Define Business Intelligence
b.    Understand the Cube Structure
c.     Deploy and View a Sample Cube
d.    View a Cube by using Excel
e.    View a Cube by using SQL Reporting Services
8.    OLAP Modeling
a.    Understand Basic OLAP Modeling (star schema)
b.    Understand Dimensional Modeling (stars and snowflakes)
c.     Understand Measure (fact) and Cube Modeling
9.    Introduction to SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT)
a.    Create Data Sources
b.    Create Data Source Views
c.     Create Cubes by using the Cube Wizard
d.    Understand the Development Environment
10.  Intermediate SSAS
a.    Learn how to Create Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
b.    Discover how to Create Perspectives
c.     See how to Create Translations for Cubes and Dimensions
11.  Cube Storage and Aggregation
a.    View Aggregation Designs
b.    Customize Aggregation Designs
c.     Implement Proactive Caching
d.    Use Relational and SSAS Partitions
e.    Customize Cube and Dimension Processing
12.  Introduction to MDX Queries
a.    Understand Basic MDX Syntax
b.    Use the MDX Query Editor in SSMS
c.     Understand Common MDX Functions and Tasks
d.    Review MDX Functions New to SSAS 2012
13.  SSRS Overview and Tools
14.  Creating Basic Reports
a.    What is a Data Source?
b.    What is a Dataset?
c.     Using the Report Wizard
d.    What is Tablix?
e.    Creating a Tabular Report
f.     Creating a List Report
g.    What is a Matrix?
h.    Deploying a Project
15.  Formatting Reports
a.    Working with Text Boxes
b.    Rich Text Formatting
c.     Managing Text Boxes
d.    Drawing Lines and Boxes
e.    Images
f.     Page Headers and Footers
g.    Adding a Document Map
h.    Rendering Reports
16.  Custom Expressions
a.    Understanding Expressions
b.    Defining Expressions
c.     Working with Report Variables
d.    Understanding Lookup, LookupSet, and Multilookup Functions
e.    Expression Samples
17.  Summarizing and Sorting
a.    Creating Groups
b.    Parent/Child vs. Adjacent Groupings
c.     Adding Totals and Aggregations
d.    Creating Aggregates of Aggregates
18.  Add Flexibility with Parameters
a.    Adding Parameters to a Report
b.    Report Parameters vs. Query Parameters
c.     Manage Report Parameter Properties
d.    Use Parameters with SQL Queries and Stored Procedures
e.    Work with Cascading Parameters
f.     Sort Based on a Parameter Setting
g.    Filtered Reports
19.  Enhanced Report Items
a.    Charts
b.    Gauges
c.     Add a Map to a Report
d.    Data Bar, Indicator, and Sparkline Report Items
e.    Nesting Data Regions
f.     Subreports and Drillthrough Reports
g.    Working with Drillthrough Reports
20.  Using Report Manager
a.    Deployment
b.    Navigating Report Manager
c.     Understanding Permissions
d.    Viewing Reports
e.    Working with Shared Data Sources
f.     Managing Reports

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 Course Content

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015

PART I – Applications in CRM

Ø  Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics CRM
                                      Sales Process

·         Leads
·         Opportunities
·         Competitors
·         Products
·         Quotes
·         Orders
·         Invoices
·         Goals Management


·         Marketing Lists
·         Campaigns
·         Sales Literature
·         Quick Campaigns

·         Services
·         Service Calendar
·         Cases
·         Knowledge Base
·         Contracts

PART II – Administration, Settings & Configuration

`                       Administration

·          Creating and managing Business Units, Users and Teams
·          Privileges, Access Levels and Security Roles
·         Creating and managing Security Roles
·         Auto Numbering and System Settings

Settings & Configuration

·         Business Management
·         Sites, Sales Territories, Facilities and Resource Groups
·         Working with Multi Currency
·         System Queues and Custom Queues
·         Services and Business Closures
·         Fiscal Year Settings and Quotas
·         Subjects
·         Connections

Data Management

·         Duplication Detection Settings, Rules and Jobs
·         Bulk Record Deletion
·         Data Maps and Imports
·         Product Catalog
·         Understanding the Product Catalog
·         Unit Groups
·         Adding Products
·         Creating Price Lists
·         Creating Discount Lists
·         Using Deployment Manager
·         Redeploying Dynamics CRM

PART III – Basic and Advanced Customizations in MS Dynamics CRM

 Entity Customization

·         Basic Form Customizations
·         Basic UI Customization Capabilities
·         Form Customization – Working with Tabs, Sections, Fields and IFrames
·         Calculated and Roll Up fields.
·         Quick Create and Quick View Forms.
·         Introduction to Application Event Programming
·         Using Form and Field Events.

                        MS CRM Entity Model

·         Customization Concepts – Entity Types and Attributes
·         Creating Custom Entities and Attributes

                        Relationships, Views and Advanced Views

·         Types of Relationships
·         Relationship Behaviors
·         Creating Entity Relationships
·         Entity Mapping

 Views and Advanced Views
·         Public, Personal and System Views
·         View Customizations – Common Tasks
·         Advanced Views Customizations

 Form Scripting

·         Client side scripting using Java Script
·         Working with I Frames
·         Business Rules.

  Working with Web Resources

  Report Wizard, Scheduling and Exporting Reports

   Working with Dash Boards

PART IV – Extending MS Dynamics CRM

                                       Processes (Workflows & Dialogs)

·         Overview of Workflow
·         Creating Workflows steps through Workflow Designer
·         Overview of Dialogs
·         Creating Dialog Pages, Prompt and Response
·         Working with Input Parameters in Dialogs
·         Creating and working with Actions
·         Creating and Working with Business process flows.

 Ribbon Customizations

·         Creating & Hiding Ribbon Elements
·         Enabling & Disabling Ribbon Elements

 Working with Site Maps

 Introduction to Solutions

·         Managed & Unmanaged Solutions
·         Importing & Exporting Solutions

Advanced Client Side Scripting

·         Working with ODATA
·         Working with REST
·         Working with SOAP

 CRM Web Services

·         Introduction to Web Services
·         Query Expression & Query Attribute
·         Request & Response


·         The Event Execution Pipeline
·         IPluginExecutionContext Interface
·         Developing Plugins
·         Deploying Plugins
·         Debugging Plugins

                     Custom Workflows

·         Developing Custom Workflow Activities
·         Deploying Custom Workflow Activities
·         Debugging Custom Workflow Activities

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