Microsoft Dynamics Marketing(MDM) 2015 Course Content

Summary : Microsoft Dynamics Marketing 2015 Course Content

Module 1: Microsoft Dynamics Marketing Overview
Defining Microsoft Dynamics Marketing
Target Customers
The Microsoft Dynamics Marketing and Dynamics CRM Relationship

Module 2: Dynamics Marketing Architecture
Microsoft Dynamics Marketing and Dynamics CRM Integration Overview
Email Marketing Overview
SDK Overview
Data Feed Overview

Module 3: Configuring Microsoft Dynamics Marketing
User Management
Company Hierarchical Structure
Contact Structure
Client Management
Key Administrative Settings

Module 4: Marketing Resource Management
Project Hierarchy
Choosing the Right Structure
Job Templates
Job Request Templates
Time Slips
Budget Management
Digital Asset Management and Approvals for Projects
Create products and virtual teams.
Create and test an Approval Request Template

Module 5: Lead Management
The Lead Lifecycle
Landing Page Basics and Lead Generation
Importing Leads
Lead Assignment Engine
Lead Scoring Models
•Segmenting Leads: Managing Marketing Lists
•Use Custom Contact Fields and Lead Interaction UDFs in Landing Pages.

Module 6: Email Marketing Messages and Landing Pages
Commercial Email Marketing Messages
Segment-Specific Dynamic Content
Campaign Automation versus Commercial Designation Email Marketing Messages
Cross-Campaign Rules
Best Practices for Avoiding the Junk Folder
Customizing Landing Page Content
Generating Traffic to a Landing Page
Create a commercial email marketing message with dynamic content for two marketing segments.
Customize a landing page with a source code, subscription list, and Header HTML to adjust the look and feel.
Module 7: Campaign Automation
Microsoft Dynamics Marketing Campaign Lifecycle
Campaign Activities: Marketing Lists, Actions and Triggers
Creating and Using Social Media
Validating and Activating a Campaign, and Email Activation Troubleshooting
Monitoring and adjusting the Campaign Mid Flight
Module 8: Measuring Results
Performance Reports
Email Marketing Performance
Search Engine Monitoring
Budgets for Financial Monitoring
Using the OData Feed API
Module 9: Dynamics CRM and Dynamics Marketing Integration
Connector Architecture
Integrated Data
Connector Mappings
List Sync
Connector Scenarios
Module 10: MDM for the Developer
Traceable Transactional Emails
Razor Syntax in Emails
Contact External Entities
Marketing List Management
Bibliography of Resources
Razor Emails
Traceable Transactional Emails

Module 11: Setting Up a Deployment for Success

The Deployment Team
Tips for Planning a Deployment: Lessons Learned

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